Contact and Enquiries

Contact us here

By Post -
Flat Cats
Unit 4 East Road Industrial Estate
Lincolnshire NG34 7EQ

By Phone: 01526 341186

WhatsApp - Click the WhatsApp image below to chat straight away (opens new window)

Click here to chat with Flat Cats on WhatsApp


Our opening hours are as follows:

Monday - Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday - 9am - 3pm

Please note that these opening hours will be extended in the busy summer months.

By Email:

If you would like to ask a specific question then please complete our online enquiry form below or use the online chat facility in the bottom right of the screen. We usually respond to messages within an hour in office hours and within 24hrs at all other times.

Customer comments

Dear Dominic, Thank you to you and all at Flat Cats for the very courteous, helpful and speedy service I received.

My cat screens are all now fitted and as you will see from the attached pictures Millie had a go to see if she could get out bit then decided to give it up as a bad job and now sits quite happily watching the world go by.

Once again, thank you very much, I now have peace of mind that come the warmer months the windows can be left open and  Millie is perfectly safe. I would not hesitate to recommend your services to others.
TW. Leeds (And Millie)

The Flatcats door screen arrived this morning. 10 minutes later it was up and fitted!! My 3 Burmese cats (an energetic breed) were sitting enjoying the fresh air and working out how they could escape.  They prodded and pushed smelt and felt but then realised the screen was staying in place and so gave up and went about there cat  business.  So far a good result. Thank you for your help- easy to fit and a good product.  When my new windows are fitted I will place a further order. Will also tell friends about Flatcats.
RB. New Malden Surrey